Before placing an order make sure, that your print files have been made in accordance with our guidelines.

The print files that we receive from you are subjected to an initial assessment of the correctness of preparation. If we find any problems with your graphics, we will notify you before starting production. Your order will be suspended until you receive a response and corrected files. For more information on pre-print file checking, see the article below.

We try to verify potential errors, but we cannot guarantee that we will print the incorrect graphics you provide. Moreover, we are not responsible for any spelling mistakes, typos, incorrect phone numbers or other errors, if the project you sent has any. If the file is found to be incorrect before production, we will contact you. Responsibility for the content and for the correct preparation of files rests with the ordering party. We may refuse to accept files not properly prepared for printing. If you are not sure that the files preparation is correct, please contact us.

A. File Types

We only accept files saved in the following formats: PDF, JPEG, TIFF (flattened). Fonts (texts) used in your project should be converted to curves or rasterized before saving.

B. Color calibration

We only accept files saved in CMYK colors. Additional colors such as: Pantone, RAL or RGB mode can only be printed from the CMYK palette. This means that the color will be converted, i.e. the closest possible to obtain from the CMYK palette. Our devices are calibrated based on the ICC Fogra 39 (ISO Coated) profile. Files cannot contain embedded ICC profiles. We recommend that the black color in your design be obtained from the components C40 / M30 / Y30 / K100.

C. Size and scale

We prefer sending files in a 1: 1 scale. However, for really large formats, you may not be able to generate a 1: 1 file. In this case, we accept files prepared at a reduction of 50%, 25%, 20% or 10%. Appropriate information on this subject should be included in the additional information on the order form. Due to the technical parameters of the materials and printing technology, we do not guarantee 100% compliance of the finished product size. The differences can be 0,5-1% depending on the product and material selected.

D. Resolution

The resolution of files that have been made smaller should be increased by a multiple of the scale used. If you have prepared a file in 1: 1 scale, the resolution used should be:

  • small stickers, labels, leaflets: 300 dpi
  • signs, boards, posters: 150 dpi
  • self-adhesive vinyls: 120-150 dpi
  • banners: 72-120 dpi
  • wallpapers: 72-120 dpi
  • flags and fabrics: 72 dpi
Reference resolution table [dpi] for large-format prints:
 1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9 m10 m20 m+ 30 m
1 m150120100807272605040404040
2 m120100100727260605040404040
3 m10010072606050505040404040
4 m807260606050505040404040
5 m727260605050504040404040
6 m726050505050504040403030
7 m606050505050404030303030
8 m505050504040404030303030
9 m404040404040303030303030
10 m404040404040303030302525
20 m404040404030303030252520
+ 30 m404040404030303030252020

E. Bleeds and marks

In order for your design to be cut and finished without unnecessary white margins, the design size should be increased by 5 mm all around. An exception is the design which has a white background. In this case, the project may be sent in a net format. Please do not place the strips and any additional markers for cutting.

F. Die-cut – routing, cutting boards and kiss cutting of stickers.

The die-cutter should be prepared as a vector file and saved as PDF with layers. Only elements to be cut can be included in the document. Check in the preview mode if there are any unnecessary elements left in the file: lines, dots and other objects. Be sure to remove them!

The die-cut file must have layers with the appropriate name and sequence:

  1. Register – (layer with markers for the plotter)
  2. Crease – (layer for creasing elements)
  3. Thru-cut (layer for elements to be cut)
  4. Route (layer for milling)

G. Printing techniques

In production, we use the following printing techniques: Led UV, UV, Latex, Sublimation, Ecosolvent, Solvent, HP Indigo. We strive to provide you with the best quality product, but due to the characteristics of the pigments used in the inks, we are not able to guarantee 100% color compatibility between the printing techniques used.

H. Colours displayed on the monitor.

Due to the CMYK palette used in production, you should remember that many colors displayed on the monitors may differ from those printed in reality. This applies especially to files in RGB mode or containing additional colors such as Pantone, RAL and metallic colors (gold, silver).

I. Product templates

Some of the products we offer have ready-made designs specifying size and shape. Files with this specification can be downloaded on the product page. Ready templates relate to: Beachflag, Heras Fence Cover, Crowd Barrier Cover, Backwall POP-UP, Backwall Textile, Branded Deckchair.